Friday, April 28, 2006


Lately i've been visitin sum others blog such as afdlin shauki's (sasi's boss), yasmin ahmad, n others. they seems to share all the moments that encounter during their daily life regardless whether it's small or big moments.

Our blog seems to concerntrate to much on trips and meeting/gathering. Rajin posting of nostalgic photos r breath of fresh air.

i think should we should be more open (i've no idea what i'm trying to say) ....

such as if one of u guys happens to watch a fanstastic movie or lousy one, feel free to post your review here. Be film critic. no one will judge anyone here.

or a special or embrassing moments that u would like share wit us, pls do so (especially the embrassing moments) ....

in this way we can ensure that this blog will stays longer.

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