Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The Broken Code

The Da Vinci Code…

I have watched this movie last Sunday. Well first of all we all know about the controversy that surrounding the film. The church reaction to the movie, the writer Dan Brown court case and all the demonstration going on to stop the film world wide.

I agree with Sri that this is not Ron Howard's best movie, there is nothing to talk about this movie in a film term. The camera work, cinematography, CG, Graphics, screenplay or direction. Nothing is happening at all….

Forget the hype; forget the Dan Brown fan club; forget religion; forget Tom Hanks' hair. The Da Vinci Code is The Bourne Identity, par boiled and wrapped in confusion.

It's another guy-and-gal-on-the-run scenario. They don't know what they are supposed to have done - killed four people, apparently - but are sensible enough not to stop and enquire. Instead of the full technological might of the CIA against them, it's the Vatican, whose influence, not to mention unscrupulous methods, is well known to the Agnostic Fellowship worldwide.
But what make this film stand out is the story… the issue that the story try to highlight. At the centre is the search for the Holy Grail and the question of Jesus' mortality. Was he a man, or the Son of God? Was he celibate, or having it off with Mary Magdalene? Looking objectively from a non-believer's perspective, his sex life seems irrelevant and yet if you take the resurrection literally and sign up to the paranormal version of events it does matter. There is much talk of "the bloodline," which the defenders of the faith want to extinguish permanently - thus the chase and the code and Jean Reno's Opus Dei French cop's high blood pressure.

The question whether Jesus Christ is celibate or not is enough to shake the very fundamental of the Christian believe…. This story could be an eye opener for ppl to think could it be right?
So could it be right?

For me even if Jesus Christ is really a God, and let say one day he came back to earth just to visit us… can we believe that is Jesus Christ? Can we accept it? Can the church recognize him? Well I think if Jesus him self came and say “Look I’m Jesus Christ the only son of god, let me help You” We gone laugh at him. We might think this man is crazy.. Evan if the Pope came and recognize him that he his Jesus Christ he never gone admit it . If there is Jesus than what is the point having church.. it will destroyed the Church… It’s better to have church rather than having Jesus him self…. Right…?

Overall this isn't a bad film, it's just a slightly above average thriller that will be seen by countless millions due to the phenomenal book sales, and the free publicity with the clerics weighing in, a court case at the perfect time, and plenty of books discussing the themes found in Brown's best seller. A different main pairing and some tweaking with the script would have delivered something with a bit more edge, but all involved will make their bank managers happy whatever.

Da Vinci Code is not a Code its a Hint

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