Cool Prem Cool!
I agree with ur statement and i do agree with kamini's answer. Some of them might have technical problems to access net and some of them might busy with their heavy workload and you re' rite Prem may be some of them really not aware of this blog existance.I have sms some of our friends those who never show up in our last meeting to send their details to Kamini....but according to kamini not much respond.To answer this question in my way pls call for another meeting and let's discuss whether our friends really wants this group and whether they really want to commit on this group or not. Otherwise just call off the whole plan and cancel this whole blog concentrate on our own commitments.
Think About It Guys & Gals!
Hi Guys,
First all Thanks to Balan to remind me about this blog by SMS. Sorry i was busy this all month. Fully booked. So the last time i visit the blog it was empty. I'm so happy to log to this blog now. Thank for all the support.
As Balan said maybe alot of our friend still not aware bout the blog. So if can we remind them my sending an RM0.01 SMS.
Ok about the Trip. Well thailnd or phuket sound amazing but it a little bit ambitious i think. A lot of think need to be done and it will cost more.
May be for the begging we should go somewhere in malaysia.
pulau perhentian is a good choice.
But if you guys want more adventures than may be Kota Kinabalu.
Kamini can you try to find about K.Kinabalu pakacge for a 10pax maybe.
Sure we can get some discount.
anyway if you guys dont see me here for sometimes. Plsss sms me. ok
Keep up the work
Logo?... Hmmm that sound more organised. Well a logo will make us lok like a more serius team.
So why not we work with it.
I try to created something. But if u guys can...pls contribute ur ideas.
"Waste of time" that sound to hars lah prem.. come on lah. We sound try o work it out fisrt before come with that kind of statement.
Nothing is imposibble.. so don't be negatif guys. keep this positive energy going..
slut for Real Reels.
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