Inside man...
I heard that this film was written by first-timer Russell Gewirtz,
and though it has its share of holes that become visible when all the dust settles,
This movie keeps you in a state of cheerful suspense while it's unfolding.
The question this robbery movie raises is not your standard "Whodunit?" nor even
"How did he do it?"
nor even really "Will he get away with it?"
It's something a little more unusual:
"What the hell is he up to?"
The he in question is a cool, very smart customer
who informs us from his cell at the start of the movie that he has planned the perfect crime. With a team disguised as industrial painters, he storms a downtown New York bank, takes everyone hostage, knocks out the cameras and informs the two hostage negotiators—Denzel Washington's( who look like our MS Prem) Det. Keith Frazier
and his partner, Bill Mitchell that a jet must be delivered for his escape.
Seems straightforward, but what's he gonna do with a jet,
and doesn't he know nobody ever gets a plane in a bank-robbery negotiation?
And why is he making his hostages strip, and having them dress like his co-conspirators, making it impossible to tell who's a captor and who's a captive? And why is the venerable head of the bank (a fine but predictably cast Christopher Plummer) so concerned about the contents of his safety-deposit box that he enlists the city's most ferociously well-connected Ms. Fix-it (a deliciously coldblooded Jodie Foster) to see that nobody knows anything about it?
You should watch this movie i have enjoyed it. A good opening and a good ending. The sreenplay was great. And guys watch out for the editing. ecpecially on the opening part.
I will give 4/5 for this movie. ( the minus point is danzel doesnt have a french bread in this movie... so Sorry Prem... if you know wat i mean)
- veliyadum Rajin
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