Following a mysterious absence of several years, the Man of Steel returns to Earth in a new chapter in the powerful saga of one of the world's best-loved superheroes. While dealing with an old enemy's plot to render him powerless once and for all, Superman faces the heartbreaking realization that the woman he loves, Lois Lane, has moved on with her life. Or has she?Superman's bittersweet return challenges him to bridge the distance between them while finding a place in a society that has learned to survive without him. In an attempt to protect the world he loves from cataclysmic destruction, Superman embarks on an epic journey of redemption that takes him from the depths of the ocean to the far reaches of outer space.

I actually quite skeptical about this movie, of coz hes my chilhood hero n all but it has been 30 over yrs alredi!I still remember last time got this Astro Boy, Ultraman and then this Superman that was long time ago ok? of coz the whole civilisation moved alot further than that era alredi and those who used to adores are now consider old fark ledi!As age catches up, taste and prefrences also will change according to the enviroment and surroundings, and Superman in 2006 is defnitely not as exciting as Superman in the 70s and 80s.
The red striking underwear on the outside is old trick ledi .... not much people fall for that nowadays, society today demand a more macho hero who dont play underwear underwear one.In fact even die hard fan like me also prefer to see something else ...... I actually found a group of actor who is also into this superheros stunts themselves. They can do all kinda action from leaping off tall buildings or stopping a bullet with their bare hands. If those peeple in hollywood hire them in their latest movie I m sure it would be an instant hit!Who am I toking about? Scroll down and see for yourself ler ....
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and GENITALmen!!!
May I presents to you! the new Supergirls!!!!!
They are Super Tuahliap!! Super Hiao!! Super Sexy!!! Super Wet!!
Super Horny!!!
All also SuPER!!!!If these girls are hired to act int he movie, huh! i tell you! Charlie Angels also knot fight!!!How? you prefer the red spender outside Superman or Supergirls??!!!

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