Saturday, April 29, 2006
When you ask question but you not expectin any answer. it's more of statement made in questioning style.
New Look
A big welcome to our Jo (ramesh)... Happy to see him in the blog and contributing.
So hows the new look guys. You like it or not Please comment on it. Pls comment on how to improve it!
Congratulations. Our weblog has reached 100 posts! actually 101 post. Fantastic number. All thanks to HEYRAM!
Happe Birthday Darling! How young are you again?? Sorry no one wished you as yet. Its my fault la, i haven't updated the profiles and add in the D.O.Bs :) . I tell you what, as your gift, the REAL REELERS will pay for your dinner during the meeting k va?
And ram, the picture you put in in really really nice! kinda gives me a relaxing sensation looking at it. it looks like a dancing jellyfish.... simple and beautiful!
c it
hi everybody
Actually today is my birthday n im so sad coz nobody wishing lah actually its great birthday...
About gathering on 1st may im not sure coz ill will be coming back from mlaka..not sure what time...
Did anyone watch these movies... The Decsent n The Hostel ..try it
Hope u people can alarm me any watchable movies... ok take care all
Friday, April 28, 2006

Guys, french beard is out dated ready and it's no more a trend ready....Check out the latest trend by Shankar for Rajini. After Vikram grows his hair for Shankar's film Anniyan ...all the guys start grow their hair ready...Shankar's influence. Now the new trend is check out the poster bang....moustache and a little bit beard under the lip...How Is It?
Have Fun & Have A Nice Weekend!
worth to watch

Inside man...
I heard that this film was written by first-timer Russell Gewirtz,
and though it has its share of holes that become visible when all the dust settles,
This movie keeps you in a state of cheerful suspense while it's unfolding.
The question this robbery movie raises is not your standard "Whodunit?" nor even
"How did he do it?"
nor even really "Will he get away with it?"
It's something a little more unusual:
"What the hell is he up to?"
The he in question is a cool, very smart customer
who informs us from his cell at the start of the movie that he has planned the perfect crime. With a team disguised as industrial painters, he storms a downtown New York bank, takes everyone hostage, knocks out the cameras and informs the two hostage negotiators—Denzel Washington's( who look like our MS Prem) Det. Keith Frazier
and his partner, Bill Mitchell that a jet must be delivered for his escape.
Seems straightforward, but what's he gonna do with a jet,
and doesn't he know nobody ever gets a plane in a bank-robbery negotiation?
And why is he making his hostages strip, and having them dress like his co-conspirators, making it impossible to tell who's a captor and who's a captive? And why is the venerable head of the bank (a fine but predictably cast Christopher Plummer) so concerned about the contents of his safety-deposit box that he enlists the city's most ferociously well-connected Ms. Fix-it (a deliciously coldblooded Jodie Foster) to see that nobody knows anything about it?
You should watch this movie i have enjoyed it. A good opening and a good ending. The sreenplay was great. And guys watch out for the editing. ecpecially on the opening part.
I will give 4/5 for this movie. ( the minus point is danzel doesnt have a french bread in this movie... so Sorry Prem... if you know wat i mean)
- veliyadum Rajin
Inside man
Thank to make me as admin. i hope i can contibute something useful to the blog.
1. Kamini we all have decided u to be the chairperson for this meeting... so i hope u can consider about it again. u just have to sit there can start the meeting and allow other to talk.. i'm sure u have done it before so no problem uh?
2. Damian.... hmmm so long never see him. I got no objection to having him in the meeting or in our blog. I will send him an invatation to him to join the blog. As i said i don't want this blog end up with 5 ppl only.
3 So I think we all agree to the PM post.. so let it be that way.
4. And for Mr Brown... i know i still have the pain.. but its time to move on dude.. find some nice chick and try to forget the past.. if u know wat i mean...hehehe..
well that sms girl i think u can consider.. uh..
5. abou the film critic... hmm i have tought about that... i think we should do that... i always have things to said about all this movies. maybe this can be the place
6. I hope you guys can share more picture to this blog and make it fun..Someone have take photo on our last meeting. If u got it pls posted to our blog.

7. for answer prem question Will i look like kamal if i had a french beard? well Prem evan goat also have a bread but it doest make it look like Kamal hassan... but u got look a little bit like danzel Washington ...hehe
stick to it!
I think we should stick to the plan that the meeting is on 7 pm. This b'coz it will be hassel to others if we change it in a short notice. So pls consider... evan i have to cancel my date my GF.
So i think 7 should be ok right? But if Prem and Sasi can convice other members to have it on afternoon than its ok lah... (atleast can bring her for movie at night)
Thanks Kamini.....B4 this I can't and now I can cos my name is in the admin list i guess and u allow me to be the one of the administrator...This morning I realise that I can change the setting on RR blog.....Correct Me If I M Wrong....
Kamini, for your info we are not that good in this blog thingy especially me...baru belajar katakan....So, u need to tech us lah seems u re' very familiar with blogs.
Ok...I don't want be in admin list cos as our Thailaivar MS Prem mention " Too Many Cook Will Spoil The Soup" those who intrested to be in admin list pls inform kamini.
Thanks for the info Kamini and really appreciate that....2day I learn sometihing new about blog.
Been sick for the last few days so was on MC and was off till yesterday.
Well to answer to all your queries.
1. I don't wanna chair the meeting. maybe i should have made it clear in my message that day those who has info on perhentian or other resorts can also bring the details and we ALL shall DECIDE that on the trip. SO this means, everyone has a say in this okie va...
2. I have some bad news about the trip and its concerning weather and we shall discuss it on that day.
*** unfortunately i'm working on that day :( so we can't have the meeting earlier. sorry guys. unless everyone agrees to meet early, then you'll can go ahead and then update me aight okie va...
3. Yes, please call Damian to join us for the meet.Its been really long since we heard from him.
4. Lets not have positions or leaders in this team okie. like sasi or balan or rajin said, whenever we come up with a project, we shall have a PM and another person to coordinate with the PM.
5. Balan, anyone can administrate this blog.. Just because i created it doesn't mean i'm the only one has access to it. This is our blog so everyone has a responsibility over it okie. let me know if who is interested to be on the admin. Rajin you're already on the admin list.
6. The itenerary for the May 1st meeting is fine with me and make sure everyone sticks to it. please sms or call everyone. even if Prem has called, Rajin can call again and i can call again just to let this people know we are consistent with our meetings.
7. I'll try to grow a french beard and Prem i can't wait to see you with a frenchy :P
One of rajini looks for SIVAJI
(hold it for second... that guy above look very familiar with one of this blog contributer. can u guess who it might be?)
call the police !!!!!!
i'm starting to have doubt whether kamini wanted to chair 1st mei meetin or not. b'cos we made the decision based on what she said n now there is no news from her.
being journalist, 1 can understand the hectic schedule they hav. i think sum1 of us should call her.
Thank you, rajin for voluntering to call kamini n ask wats up?.
above statement is my stand in 1st mei gatherin which i hope this blog commitee to consider sasi de fun request for start early in afternoon of 1st mei union.
Damian Alfred....
I met damian other @ midvalley. he eager to meet rest of us. here's his contact no:
h/p: 012-9236066
i thinking to invite him over on 1st mei. Do u guys think?
Our blog seems to concerntrate to much on trips and meeting/gathering. Rajin posting of nostalgic photos r breath of fresh air.
i think should we should be more open (i've no idea what i'm trying to say) ....
such as if one of u guys happens to watch a fanstastic movie or lousy one, feel free to post your review here. Be film critic. no one will judge anyone here.
or a special or embrassing moments that u would like share wit us, pls do so (especially the embrassing moments) ....
in this way we can ensure that this blog will stays longer.
Moral of the story ... Sms n email never can tell a man's mood that he's in wen reply or postin. like balan n me.
in earlier posting, there were only Balan, Kamini n me. so i posted a remark that this blog is waste of time n i won't participate anymore if other members didn't join in. The rajin came and said should calm down and balan said my anger is just.
but the truth is i wasn't pissed or angry or happy or sad or whatever. it just my 'humble opinion' without emotion.
so don't judge a man or woman state of mind by just reading a series of words.
p/s: i'm not angry when posting this msg.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Its Getting Hot!
- Meeting - we have decided the meeting time and place
- F& B - Sdn Bhd ( soup provided by MS Prem)
- Chairperson - Kamini is the chair person ..'can some one inform her'
- Agenda- are u guys agree
So in this 2 week we have made lot of contribution to the blog, a lot of suggestion and we actually have made a few desicion. I think we get moving ready even its between five of us. So its prove that we can work together coz wat i can see that we can understand each other and can tolarate each other. I think this is the best 5 we have.... So i hope we can keep it up. Keep up the tolarance...
and bout the "PANJA THANTIRAM"..... we should work out on it. can't await to see our MS Prem with a french bread .. so see you guys on Monday
Psst: dont forget the french bread
-Veliyadum Rajin
Firstly, as one of the team member I would like to thank Kamini , Prem , Sasi & Rajan for the good participation in our blog. As I mention in my earlier postings...this blog is belongs to us (All Former ATV3 students)So, everyone have equal rights to suggest & comment and at the same time follow also far as Rajan mention only 5 of us active in this posting and only GOD know what happen to the rest of them....I think we should change our team name from REAL REELS to
"PANJA THANTIRAM" members should have French Beard except Kamini...:)
Sasi de fun....Actualy saya tak marah with anyone...we re' friends man....why should marah...we have rights to speak up and suggest...that's what we did and I m very neutral. I really agree with ur point and Rajan's points....that's what we should do and I don't know wht the rest of the going to say. As i mention in my earlier posting " (P/S : This is just a suggestion from me. If friends want to add on or object are most welcome..!)"....and that's what u all did and no point for me to get angry....I very clear on this.
Let Kamini chairs the meeting and as Thalaivar MS Prem mention in his posting " Too Many Cook Will Spoil The Soup"....Makan SDN. BHD. or let someone pay first than u all settle with him/her later (Option).
I m ok with the agenda.
(P/S: Pls remind all our friends about this meeting)
Thank You...See u all on the 1st May......
sdn. bhd. & other stuff
I'm not too concern abt commitee, president etc etc... (no interest in politics) but petty things like F&B might cause unknown damages. Like mr. balan said " mark my word".
For those who start posting earlier knows that kamini started the trip/vacation issue. So since then, she has gathers infomation abt the trips. She quote on sunday april 23th post:
"On that day, i shall bring all the packages, prices and suggested itenerary for a number of good resorts that i've compiled and we all shall decide on that day if where we wanna go for our trip.
That why i thought we should let kamini chairs this monday meetin. i prefer one person talking and others listen. as the saying goes 'too many cook spoil the soup'. kabish. Anyway, where's Ms. moderator (kamini)? she seems to be missing from this blog.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
film screening
Movie : Vidochq (french HD film) or Rashomon (akira kurusawa's )
Loc: Vetri media office (last shoplots @ block behind YMCA brickfield)
Time: 8pm sharp (no indian timing) Friday 28th april 2006
Entry Fee: FOC
All film buffs are welcomed. This is weekly event. Let gain knowledge from great filmmakers and exchange knowledge among ourselves.
(p/s: bring along any short film/any form video (docu/music video/drama) that u desire to show others.)
Hi Friends!
Vanakkan Everyone!
I think u all misinterprate my suggestion on Persident / Vice - President and Sec. I thought want to discuss further in our meeting but before i explain further u all already come to the conclusion. It's Ok....since i started the topic on committee let me put a full stop for it....Let's forget about the committee.I totaly agree with Rajan and Sasi's point and view ...may be it's my fault cos it's it too early to form a organization....and i agree with Rajan and sasi's idea on project manager.
Everyone was very concern about the committee / organization but non of us comment on the F & B that I suggest except our Thalaivar Prem.....If u ask me SDN. BHD is the best solution for this for time being....unless anybody want to belanja.....
about Meeting
So regarding the meeting. We should have an agenda. This is what i suggest:
7.00 pm - arriving
7.30 -8.30 pm- Dinner
8.30 pm- Meeting start
- About our
- About our Trip
- Future plan
- Choosing Project Manager (if everyone agree), sectary and treasurer.
- Conclusion
10.30pm- end of meeting
Please comment on this suggestion
Sasi , we do need a report . This report is for those who couldn't come for the meeting and for us to know wat we have said and agree. Kita ni kan mudah lupa. Nanti tak ada orang kata he don't know wat going on...
The sectary just publish wat ever we spoke in meeting so that who ever can't make it can get a update. and to update or self also.
About the new member.... they are most welcome....
come on lah i don't want just 5 of us only in this blog...
more ppl mean more fun rite Mr FUn..
Anyway i hope other can follow ur foot step in taking so much effort in learning to contribute in the blog. We are proud of u. we the blog fun...
And i did pay for the other day meeting but i'm ikhlas wth that so don't worry. But maybe for the meeting we share to pay lah...
-- Vetaiyadum Rajin
our first ever production

Does this picture ring a bell to u. This is the first production we did. if im not mistaken this a deepavali poduction which not aired. The first semester we in MIIM and our senior Murali , he is the director, invite us as a junior to gain experince. Well that production really help us alot in our life. So much think we learn and the most important thing is, it give a big moral support and the reason we still remain as group until now is becouse of this. Thank to Murali, Balan, letchumy and Mahes (alwa).
From left : Sugumaran (cast) MS Prem,Me, Balan, Kumar, Victor the great camera man
Sitting: Kanna, Murali, Lecthumy pic taken by Mahes .
Pst: every one look
Future of real reels
Speak on balan and Sasi Suggestion,
If we want our group to remain as group then we don’t need a organization
such like president, vice president, sectary and so on.
But if we want to be more organized and want to make our
group to grow as a society (Persatuan). That we do need the organization .
This is important to the future of the group, if we planned to do any event in future.
The organization well get rotate every year.
It does mean one person going to hold the post forever.
But there is a bareback mountain story also in creating a Persatuan,
maybe the organization could create a tumor and bring a breakdown to our group.
As Sasi said maybe it can bring a gap between us.
We don’t want end of the day there is a jealousy or envy between us because of this post.
Actually the post is not important.
What important is that our Goal and objective.
There is no point if we point someone be the president and he doesn’t do the job.
But anyway my suggestion is….
Since we just get starting again (not to forget we already have a
society last time in collage but that is a old story).
So wat I think is we do need a organization.
But wat we can do is instead of appointing a president
we can appoint a project manger. This mean for each project
that we going to do we appoint two person to in charge of the project.
For example we are going to do a trip. We appoint two person as a project manager
(the reason two person is so there will me a check and balance like mudhlvan idea lah)
so this two person is in charge. that doesn’t mean that they
have to do every thing alone.
Other must help also lah..
And two more project manger for the maintenance of this blog.
So in this case every one can have the taste of
being a leader and we can organize more project.
But however we still need a sectary and treasurer.
Sectary to organized and keeps record of our meeting and our
members and a treasurer to keep our fund.
So we look more professional and organized group.
The future of the real reels in the hand of our hand.
-vetaiyadum Rajin
click 5
Fisrt of all it’s very upset that till now only 5 of us only posting in this web. (Balan, Prem,Sasi,Kamini and me). What happen to others? Do they know about the blog ever. Does they ever log on to his blog? What happen lah? Some of them I have called and told them . I think maybe they don’t how to posting or wat. I think Kamini should call those guys and ask them does they got the invitation or not and how to posting?
If not then only 5 of us only going to turn up in the meeting. Meanwhile I try to call others and inform them bout the meeting as well about the blog.
And I want to know from ‘5’ of us who u guys have called so far I have called:
Kanna ( couldn’t get)
Murali ( kamini can you send an invitation to him
And one more thing Kamini can you make me as a Admin of this blog also so that I can send invitation and make some enhancement to the blog.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
money matters.
the main reason for the meeting should be 'trip'. Kamini, in my humble opinion, should chair the meetin.
Salam Namaste Friends!
1. Each and everyone pls get prepared on what u all want to discuss in the meeting
2. Let's get someone to conduct the meeting in proper way so that each and everyone of us get the chance to talk....(Note: Pls suggest the person)
3. We will start our meeting sharp at 8.01pm but our call time is @ 7pm....(Meaning that one hour one minute is for our members arrival and chit chat) be there latest by 8pm.
4.F&B....who going to pay....Either we going collect some amount from our members or SDN. BHD (bayar sendiri lah) or someone going to belanja / sponsor us. If I m not mistaken for the last meeting Rajin paid for the F & B. Rajan, pls correct me if I m wrong?....Let's decide on this....Suggestion Pls!....Though is small matter but will give a big / huge impact in later part (Mark My Word).
5. We select our committee member (President - Vice P - Sec - Etc) in this meeting...
That's all for now....
(P/S : This is just a suggestion from me. If friends want to add on or object are most welcome..!)
Have a nice day!
Monday, April 24, 2006
meeting confirm
We need to inform the others...
Anyone have Parvathy number? Pls sms to me...